Pictured: Austin Spencer, SSG Bradley Gruetzner, and VAC Pilot Scott Zodin
It was a great honor flying a Purple Heart recipient from Palestine, TX to Camp Hope, Farmington, MO. Camp Hope is formally known as Chris Neal Farm, in memory of Chris Neal who died fighting for his country in Iraq several years ago (www.chrisnealfarm.com).
Our hero/passenger was severely wounded in Iraq. While on patrol, the Humvee he and his comrades were traveling in struck an improvised explosive device (IED). Three soldiers perished, two survived.
This soldier will tell you that he was just doing his job. That he is nothing special. I beg to differ. This young man has a fine disposition, and positive attitude. He answered all questions with a yes sir, and no sir. He did not complain about the pain he obviously felt cramped in the back seat of the plane or the turbulence we hit coming into Farmington. In general, he was a fine example of what is “good” about the men and women of the United States Armed Forces.
It is a useful when things are not going our way to remember the great sacrifice these soldiers are making. At least in my case, problems seem petty and insignificant compared to those of a wounded hero.
I want to say thank you to the veterans airlift command for this wonderful service they provide for our war injured veterans. Since hearing about this organization I have found out that with out them there are times were our injured veterans would not get the medical treatment they need because it is not available at their location. The Veteran Airlift Command provides a service like no others getting our brave men and women around the country to get the medical attention they need. From all of us at Camp Hope again we say thank you for your support in our project and we look forward to working with all of you in the future.
William White
Camp Hope
Brad is my cousin and sometimes it takes me pulling up these sites and remembering what he's been through to make me snap into reality and realize my every day life issues and so called dramatic experiences are nothing close to what he has faced and dealt with and i think he is one of the most honorable people i know i am proud of the accomplishments he has made and the trials he has over came He is a stronger person than i could ever imagine being
Bravo, this excellent idea is necessary just by the way
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