Thank you so much for all you and your crew did to make our Veterans Airlift flight to your FBO a success. Everyone went out of their way to help not only through multiple discounts and fee waivers but most importantly by the hospitality the Signature Palm Beach staff helped in making sure our Hero Soldier had the red carpet treatment that he and his family deserves. You went over and above and for that we greatly thank you.
I wanted to take a moment and give you a little background on what this mission was about. Marine Sergeant Carlos Evans has been deployed four times. Three times to Iraq, and once to Afghanistan. On May 16th while on foot patrol in Afghanistan, he stepped on an IED and lost both legs and his left hand. He has been in the hospital at Walter Reed for the last 5 months, and anticipates he will be in the hospital for at least another year.
Sergeant Evans and his wife both celebrate their birthdays on the same day, and he had clearance to get away for a few days to celebrate outside of a hospital environment (we all know that this is the better way to heal). They were in Fayetteville (it will be their new home once he is out of the hospital), and they wanted to get away to Florida before he goes back to Walter Reed to continue rehabilitation.
Again our hats off to you and your staff for helping make this mission such a success.
Please see the attached pictures taken at Signature Palm Beach FBO.
Dan Rogers
Duotech Services Inc
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